Hello again teachers !! How are you? I've heard a lot about podcasts lately, but especially now that all of us give or recive classes virtually. We are not used to recording ourselves on video, so podcasts are a good alternative.
I didn't know much about podcast before, so I decided to do some research to find out more about it and basically a podcast is a digital audio recoding about any topic that you can imagine. You can find podcast online or download it, and most of them are available for free. Some people use it for entretaining themselves, others for example to learn English or other subjects.
The good thing about podcasts is that you can find them about many topics therefore you listen to audios that you are really interested in . Another good thing about podcasts is that you can download them and you only need a technological device to be able to listen to it, without the need of internet connection.
We can use podcast as teachers for many different things. However , not only is it a great tool for teachers, also for students.
Setting up a radio at school can be a fun and enriching activity for our students due to the fact that they can develop all the skills: listening , speaking, reading and wiriting as well as many competences, especially linguistic communicative competence and digital competence.
It's the first time I'm going to do it, and I'm going to tell you my experience.
The first thing I did was a document in google docs, then I did the draft about the things I wanted to talk about and after that the final script. I decided to record myself with the phone because it is easy to use it and I can save it in my dropbox, but you can do it with other apps if you want.
Afterwards, I downloaded free music archive to find a backgroud music to add it to my recording and this way make my work look more professional. Later, I downloaded Audacity and watched a couple of tutorials to learn how to use it.
It was not easy to match my recording with the background music because I chose a short song and had to add several tracks and make them match, although it took me a while to get it , I like the final result.
After this I signed up in Ivoox to crate my channel and upload my podcast. This platform was very intuitive and easy to use. Now you have a channel a podcast an you can share it with everyone!.
To carry out this activity I have chosen the tools that seemed simple and practical , and recommended by some colleagues who knew more about this topic.
In my opinion, creating podcasts with the students is a very interesting activity, the only thing that could be more complicated for them to handle is Audacity
This is de document.
To carry out this activity I have chosen the tools that seemed simple and practical , and recommended by some colleagues who knew more about this topic.
In my opinion, creating podcasts with the students is a very interesting activity, the only thing that could be more complicated for them to handle is Audacity
This is de document.
Here you have the podcast and the fifth grade channel.
If you liked my podcast you can subscribe by clicking this button. Thank you very much! .

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