lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Hello teachers ! How are you? To be honest,  these days have been tough at home due to the coronavirus pandemic ,so  I decided to spend this period of time doing videocalls with friends and family, reading, playing games , working out, watching netflix ,  and of course, learning!

It is a good opportunity to keep learning especially about  ICTs. Many teachers are adapting to this situation and use technological tools to keep their student learning. One of these tools is

This week I have been learning and working with It is a tool to create original  presentations, interactive images, dossiers, infographics...

I had always used Power Point or Prezi to create presentations, however has a lot of free options and it is really easy to use due to the fact that it has templates, images, icons...
but you can also insert your own or external photos, videos and audios. Moreover,  is more attractive for students since it has many interactive elements. They will love it.

I have created this interactive presentation about vertebrates animals for the 4º course of Primary Education, so  here  you can see many of their option.  I hope you enjoy it .

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