miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Historical tour in Madrid

Image by Jean-Claude Decuyper from Pixabay 
Hello everyone,  it is the perfect time to know a little bit more about our city.

Today we are going to do a fantastic guided tour around the most important buildings and monuments in Madrid.

We will start in The Royal Palace, then we will visit La Almudena Cathedral , after that we will see La Puerta del Sol, and we will finish our tour admiring La Plaza Mayor.

We hope you to have fun and learn  new interesting  and curious things about the history of our city.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020


Hi everyone , my name is Mirian and I am 24 years old , I am a Primary school teacher and currently I am studing a Master  degree in Bilingual Education in Madrid. I am a little bit shy but very friendly and I love spending time with my family and friends. Another thing that I love is travelling. I love to know new places , people, cultures, languages, food.... 

For this blog I wanted to create my own avatar. In this case I use the app Bitmoji. If you do not know this app i recommend you to have a look at it. It is free, easy to use and quick. You only need a technological device and download the app. Then you  can choose different physical features , clothes...  and in less than two minute you can have your avatar. From my point of view this app could be very useful and motivating in education.

I am going to upload  and share in this blog everything that I am learnig  about ICTs related to education and I hope you  learn and share your ideas with me. 

See you soon.